Did you know that almost 95% of Grand Countys water is diverted to the Front Range and the Western Slope of Colorado? The Denver Water Board is attempting to implement a plan which would take more water. The Moffat Firming project is Denver Waters intent to increase their Front Range water storage so that they are able to divert more water from the West Slope. Most of this West Slope water will be diverted from the Fraser River which has over half of its flows presently being diverted to the East Slope by Denver Water. You can make a difference. The public comment period for the Moffat Firming project began on October 30, 2009 with the release of the draft Environmental Impact Statement. There is a 90 day comment period which ends on January 28, 2010. The public may comment by writing to the US Army Corp of Engineers who will have final permitting powers over this project. To send in written comment, address your letters to: Scott Franklin, Moffat EIS Project Manager Corps Denver Regulatory Office 9307 S. Wadsworth Blvd. Littleton, Co. 80128 Or they can be faxed to: (303) 979-0602 Or they can be e-mailed to: Moffat.eis@usace.army.mil Click Here for The Colorado River Headwaters Chapter of Trout Unlimiteds help in composing your letter
Save the Fraser River! - by Jean Wolter
- By Real Estate of Winter Park
- Posted