The 5th Annual Taste of Fall Fundraiser for the Grand County Advocates is this coming Friday, September 27, 2013 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Come join in the fun and support a wonderful program. Advocates for a Violence-Free Community is a non-profit, volunteer based organization whose mission is to end domestic violence in the Grand County Community. The event will be held in the Base Lodge at Ski Granby Ranch.This classic tasting of fall foods and beverages with a silent auction and live entertainment will surely be one of the more fun evenings you can have up here in ski country. The proceeds from this event help fund education, information; extensive victim support services and provides a strong element of community awareness. You can purchase tickets in the amount of $30.00 at our local chamber and banks, or at Grand County Advocates online. Tickets are $35.00 at the door. Join us, communities from Winter Park to Grand Lake to Kremmling we appreciate your generosity.
Taste of Fall Fundraiser - by Janene Johnson
- By Real Estate of Winter Park
- Posted