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Fall Spotlight - by Sarah Ryan

As summer comes to an end so do music festivals, bike races,and summer resort fun. I,however,love this time of year. The chill in the air, thebeautiful fall colors, football, hockey,and the promise that winter is just around the corner! While you may not find many organized events going on this time of year there is still plenty to see and do. The fall colorschange almost daily so hiking, biking, andeven taking a nice drive never gets old. One of my favorite fall things to do is head to Rocky Mountain National Park with my family and listen to the elk bugle. Thespectacularscene ofnumerous elk in one location set in beautiful mountain scenery and fall color is hard to resist. The peak of rut in Rocky Mountain National Park lasts from mid-September to mid-October,though it is possible to hear elk bugling intoearlyNovember. Are organized events more your thing? Then join Grand Lake for their2015 Constitution WeekCelebration September 14-19! As the only town in the United States that celebrates the signing of the Constitution for an entire week;Grand Lake has lined up speakers, a 5k,and events throughout the week including a fireworks celebration. Constitution Week in Grand Lake is a 2015 event not to be missed!

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