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PRESS RELEASE - Improve Transportation in Winter Park

Press release provided by the Winter Park Fraser Valley Chamber of Commerce, The Town of Winter Park and the Town of Fraser.

Winter Park, Colo. This week voters in Fraser and Winter Park approved two ballot questions that will improve year-roundtransportation throughout the Fraser Valley. In Fraser, 67.87% of voters approved Measure 2A, while 58.62% ofvoters approved Measure 2C in Winter Park. In Fraser this means a 1 percent sales tax increase, while Winter Parkresidents will see a 2 percent sales tax increase. The new rates will take effect on Dec. 1, 2015 in Winter Park and on Jan.1, 2016 in Fraser.

I was amazed by the voter turnout and the support for the initiatives in both towns, says Town of Fraser Mayor PeggySmith. It is truly an economic development mandate.

Smith says that she is looking forward to working with the Town of Winter Park to implement the transit and trails planand develop a broadband strategy for the communities. We will continue to work together on our shared goal ofmaking the Fraser Valley a great place to live, work and play.

Town of Winter Park Mayor Jimmy Lahrman adds his appreciation to voters. Thanks to them, we will be able to providesafe, reliable transportation alternatives in the Fraser Valley, along with access to jobs and housing options, saysLahrman. This is an example of bringing folks together to work on solutions to common problems, and collaborationbetween private industry, local businesses, concerned citizens and governments to move us forward.

The public transportation management will shift from the Winter Park Ski Resort to the Town of Winter Park. These arethe benefits Winter Park and Fraser residents will experience:

Strengthen the economy by connecting visitors and residents to shopping and recreation areas Improve access for workers who otherwise would have difficulty reaching their jobs Keep Winter Park competitive with other Colorado resort destinations Provide funding to maintain existing trails and build new trails in and around Winter Park and the Fraser Valley

We've worked really hard to make this plan come together, and it feels good to have the support of the voters, saysJeff Durbin, Town Manager of the Town of Fraser. Thank you to everyone who came out to vote to help move WinterPark and Fraser.

To learn more about the ballot initiatives,

Contact Catherine Ross, Winter Park/Fraser Chamber 970.726.4221

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