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What You Need to Know About the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre

In the town of Grand Lake, CO, you'll find a diamond in the rough: the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre. The theatre works to bring quality theatre entertainment into the Grand Lake community, drawing in people from all over the area. It's just one more thing that makes Grand County, CO, such a great place to live! Are you looking for the best things to do in the Grand County area? Then, look no further than the recommended Activities from Real Estate of Winter Park! It's full of the best ideas for ways to get out and explore and enjoy the area! We guarantee you'll find an incredible time!

Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre Enriches Grand County Culture

Since way back in the 60s, the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre, or RMRT, has been bringing Broadway-quality shows to the stage. Shows like The Sound of Music and Footloose first graced the stage back then. In 1966, the Troupe of American College Players in Grand Lake was formed and put on shows until 1976, when it moved to Colorado Springs. Locals wanted more theatre after the Troupe's departure, and thus worked in conjunction with The Grand County Theater Association to produce a summer theater featuring Kansas State University and Loretto Heights College at the Pine Cone Theater and an outdoor tent, as well. Another 10 years down the road in 1986, community support and finances dwindled, resulting in the return-to-roots name change, back to the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre. A few years later in 1995, RMRT came under new leadership while the theater more firmly entrenched itself as a cultural bastion of Grand County. During that time, the Youth Theatre Workshop Program came to life, ensuring the future of the theatre in the area. Finally, in 2005, the baton was passed to alums, and current directors, Michael Querio, Carol Wolff, Chad Scott, Jeff Duke, and Sally Scott. In 2011, the theatre opened its new home, a $5.2 million theatre space. Today, you can enjoy a year-round theatre calendar with shows for everyone.

RMRT Calendar and Ticketing Information

The Rocky Mountain Repertory Theater provides year-round shows and performances to the Grand County area. See their ticketing information to get your tickets today! You don't want to miss out!

Just Another Reason Grand County is a Grand Place to Live

Many folks come to Grand County, CO, for winter sports and outdoor summer activities only. But, the Rocky Mountain Repertory Theater is just another reason you should consider making the lifestyle switch to luxurious mountain living. Let Real Estate of Winter Park be your guide to the perfect mountain home or cabin for you, and see for yourself the incredible quality of life that can be yours! So, why wait? Start your search today by contacting us to get the ball rolling! And, if you want to know more about the many grand things to do in Grand County, then look no further than our recommended Activities. You'll find great things to see and do all year-round!

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